A Farewell to Ayşe Ezgi Eygi

The funeral of Turkish-American citizen Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi, who was shot dead by Israeli soldiers during a demonstration in the occupied West Bank on September 6, was held in the Didim district of Turkey on Saturday.
The US-based Socialist Alternative announced in a statement following Eygi’s death that she was a member between 2015 and 2018. When Donald Trump won the 2016 elections, Eygi played an active role in anti-Trump protests as a high school student movement leader, leading student protests, and environmental struggles and known for her influential speeches during demonstrations.
Ayşenur Ezgi, who continued her student life full of solidarity and struggle throughout her university years, graduated from university a few months ago and is known to have gone to the West Bank of Palestine after graduating, establishing connections with the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), which works for the rights of Palestinians. Eygi was killed by a single bullet in the head by the Israeli army during a protest in the West Bank, which was under constant attack by Zionist settlers.
— Sosyalist Emekçiler Partisi - SEP (@SEPmedya) September 14, 2024
Siyonist İsrail'in katlettiği sosyalist eylemci Ayşenur Ezgi'yi uğurladık.
Ortadoğu'yu kan deryasına çeviren haydutlara karşı emekçilerin birliğini sağlamak için, ezilen halkların özgürlüğü için sosyalist Ortadoğu mücadelemiz sürecek!#AysenurEzgiEygi Sosyalist Ortadoğu… pic.twitter.com/TD28kki3EL
The body of internationalist activist Eygi was brought to his family's home. Eygi was welcomed by a hypocritical state official in Turkey, which continues to trade with Israel in the most critical areas such as oil and electricity. Revolutionary SEP from Turkey attended Ezgi's funeral wearing red, the color of her true struggle.
SEP campaigns for her in major cities of Turkey with graffiti and posters reflecting the internationalist socialist spirit of Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi.
— Sosyalist Emekçiler Partisi - SEP (@SEPmedya) September 13, 2024
Deniz Gezmişlerden bugüne Filistin mücadelesine omuz veren devrimcilere selam olsun!
Bulunduğumuz her alanda özgür filistin mücadelesini yükselteceğiz!
Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi sosyalist ortadoğu mücadelemizde yaşıyor! pic.twitter.com/jsxtEgqHFL
The ties between the revolutionary tradition and Palestine in Turkey date back to the 1970s. The revolutionary youth who emerged from the 1968 movement went to fight in Palestine and lost their lives in the struggle there. Against this legacy of the socialist tradition, Islamists have always stood by the US; they have always hated the leftist tendencies of the Palestinian struggle.
Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi's internationalist struggle will live on in the struggle of a Socialist Palestine and the Socialist Middle East!