2 Palestinian Youths in Removal Centres in Turkey

Recently four young people protesting Erdoğan regime’s trade with Israel during a TRT World panel were detained. While out of the four detainees two Turks were released, the deportation of the other two Palestinian youths on the charges of “Insulting the President” is of the question. There has been no news of the youths held in Removal Centers since.
This situation once again reveals Erdoğan’s hypocritical attitude towards the genocide in Palestine in the harshest way. Turkey continues bloody trade relations with Israel including the most critical sectors such as energy, metal and food. Erdoğan, who makes eyewash promises only, organizes marches, and speaks of solidarity with Palestine, not only doesn’t take any political action but also imprisons protestors and treatens Palestinians with deportation.
Stop the bloody trade with Israel! Stop deportation!