Stand Up Against Violence Towards Women: ISL Campaing for Solidarity with Women in Turkey

Istanbul Convention of Women's Protection against domestic violence has been under the attack of the AKP government in Turkey where at least 3 women are killed every day. After the brutal murder of Pınar Gültekin two weeks ago, women have been demonstrating and raising voice against the femicide with great anger. The voice of women in Turkey gained international support on social media by a campaign posting black-white photos and solidarity messages to defend Istanbul Convention. On August 5, there were spontaneous protests all across Turkey including Istanbul and Ankara. SEP and the women organization Eşitlik has actively participated the campaign and the demonstrations.
#İstanbulSözleşmesi ne yapılan saldırıların çekilmesi için Kadıköy'de eylemdeydik. Ancak sözleşme yetmez! Nafaka hakkı, kadın istihdamının arttırılması, kreş hakkı, sığınma evleri talepleri etrafında mücadeleye çağrıyoruz.#İstanbulSözleşmesiYaşatır#StandUpAgainstFemicide
— Eşitlik (@Esitlikcikadin) August 5, 2020
So as Equality, woman organization of SEP, was on the streets.
Besides the main demand of “Enforcement of the Istanbul Convention”
We did a campaign around the basic demands of working-class women to strengthen them to have the conditions of an independent life.
We demand public women shelters for the women suffer from any kind of violence.
- We demand free and qualified kindergartens for children in every workplace and neighbourhoods.
- We demand policies to enhance women employment!
- We demand priority in employment for divorced women!
- We demand income support for women who cannot have alimony!
- Financial support for the women who do not have any income.
International campaign of the ISL for the women struggle in Turkey with the #StandUpAgainstFemicide gave important support on social media. The campaigning defends women rights and calls for an anti capitalist struggle for liberation of women.
Hundreds of activists from all around the world posted their photo for solidarity.
Kadın cinayetleri ve kadın haklarına yönelik saldırganlığa karşı Uluslarası Sosyalist Birlik @isl_lis ile dünya genelinde ördüğümüz kampanyamız İstanbul'da da alanlarda! Kapitalizme karşı dünyanın her yerinde kadınlar mücadelede!#StandUpAgainstFemicide#İstanbulSözleşmesiYaşatır
— Eşitlik (@Esitlikcikadin) August 5, 2020
SEP Leader Gunes Gumus:
Our international organisation @isl_lis calls to "Stand up against violence towards women" Capitalism creates the ground for the oppression of women. Until this rotten system ends, there is no emancipation for oppressed or workers. One Solution Revolution#StandUpAgainstFemicide
— Güneş Gümüş (@GunesGumus_SEP) August 5, 2020
MST -Argentina gives a big support to the women struggle in Turkey.
MST leader Cele Fierro:
The @MSTargentina joins the international campaign against violence towards women that our @SEPGenelMerkez comrades are carrying out and we are promoting in the @isl_lis #StandUpAgainstFemicide#İstanbulSözleşmesiYaşatır#istanbulsoezlesmesi
— ��Cele Fierro�� (@Cele_Fierro) August 5, 2020
Pakistan- The Struggle
Solidarity from #Pakistan #StandUpAgainstFemicide #İstanbulSözleşmesiYaşatır ��Pakistan
— Asian Marxist Review (@Asian_Marxists) August 5, 2020
Iraq- Workers Against Sectarianism:
International solidarity campaign of @isl_lis with the women struggle in Turkey. We will keep figting against femicide and violence against women all over the world. Socialist revolutionary struggle will keep women alive! #StandUpAgainstFemicide #İstanbulSözleşmesiYaşatır ��IRAQ
— Liga Internacional Socialista (@isl_lis) August 5, 2020
Colombiya-Impulsa Socialista:
International solidarity campaign of @isl_lis with the women struggle in Turkey We will keep figting against femicide and violence against women all over the world.Socialist revolutionary struggle will keep women alive#StandUpAgainstFemicide #İstanbulSözleşmesiYaşatır ��Colombia
— Liga Internacional Socialista (@isl_lis) August 6, 2020
Brasil-Alternativa Socialista:
International solidarity campaign of @isl_lis with the women struggle in Turkey We will keep figting against femicide and violence against women all over the world.Socialist revolutionary struggle will keep women alive#StandUpAgainstFemicide #İstanbulSözleşmesiYaşatır ��Brasil
— Liga Internacional Socialista (@isl_lis) August 6, 2020
Venezuela: Marea Socialista
#StandUpAgainstFemicide #İstanbulSözleşmesiYaşatır �� Venezuella
— Liga Internacional Socialista (@isl_lis) August 6, 2020
International solidarity campaign of @isl_lis with the women struggle in Turkey We will keep fighting against femicide and violence against women all over the world.Socialist revolutionary struggle will keep women alive#StandUpAgainstFemicide #İstanbulSözleşmesiYaşatır �� Spain
— Liga Internacional Socialista (@isl_lis) August 6, 2020
Activists from Sudan:
International solidarity campaign of @isl_lis with the women struggle in Turkey We will keep figting against femicide and violence against women all over the world.Socialist revolutionary struggle will keep women alive! #StandUpAgainstFemicide #İstanbulSözleşmesiYaşatır �� SUDAN
— Liga Internacional Socialista (@isl_lis) August 5, 2020
the USA
GreeceInternational solidarity campaign of @isl_lis with the women struggle in Turkey We will keep figting against femicide and violence against women all over the world.Socialist revolutionary struggle will keep women alive#StandUpAgainstFemicide #İstanbulSözleşmesiYaşatır �� USA
— Liga Internacional Socialista (@isl_lis) August 6, 2020International solidarity campaign of @isl_lis with the women struggle in Turkey We will keep figting against femicide and violence against women all over the world.Socialist revolutionary struggle will keep women alive#StandUpAgainstFemicide #İstanbulSözleşmesiYaşatır ��Greece
— Liga Internacional Socialista (@isl_lis) August 6, 2020
La lucha contra los femicidios es global. Desde el @MSTargentina y la @isl_lis, apoyamos la campaña internacional de nuestras compañeras del @SEPGenelMerkez#StandUpAgainstFemicide#İstanbulSözleşmesiYaşatır#istanbulsoezlesmesi
— Pablo Vasco (@PabloVasco3) August 5, 2020
Desde el @MSTargentina nos sumamos a la campaña internacional contra la violencia hacia las mujeres que llevan adelante nuestras compañeras del @SEPGenelMerkez e impulsamos desde la @isl_lis ✊��#StandUpAgainstFemicide#İstanbulSözleşmesiYaşatır#istanbulsoezlesmesi
— MST UNGS (@mst_ungs) August 6, 2020