Argentina: solidarity with César Arakaki and Daniel Ruiz
Approved at the international virtual meeting on 16/12 by PO (Argentina); SEP (Turkey); NAR (Greece); Fuerza 18 de Octubre (Chile); Agrupación Vilcapaza and MST-P (Peru); Occhio di clase (Italy); Política Revolucionaria and Tribuna Classista (Brazil); and İnqilabin Sesi (Azerbaijan).

The signatory organizations demand the acquittal of comrades César Arakaki and Daniel Ruiz, convicted by the Argentine bourgeois justice system for their participation in the mobilization days of December 2017 against the retirement reform promoted by then president Mauricio Macri. The sentences against César and Daniel have been confirmed, and, in the case of César, it would imply prison as it is a sentence of more than 3 years. Daniel, for his part, has suffered in prison for more than a year.
The case against the companions has survived the entire management of Alberto and Cristina, without the Peronist government having even made a statement demanding their freedom. With Milei's government, nothing can be expected other than an intensification of repression and political and union persecution. The punishment of César and Daniel is a message that the capitalist class as a whole, regardless of its fractions and the parties that represent it, wants to send to the entire Argentine working class.
In the coming months, the Argentine working people will have to face a plan to hand over the country and attack their living conditions that will inevitably be based on the curtailment of democratic freedoms. The government has just issued a “protocol” for the regimentation and repression of popular demonstrations, which prohibits the right to protest. We must face it and also win, through mobilization and struggle, the acquittal of Caesar and Daniel.
All Resolutions:
1- Argentina: solidarity with César Arakaki and Daniel Ruiz
2-Argentina: down with the persecution of those who defend the Palestinian people!
3-Freedom for Political Prisoners and Union Workers in Azerbaijan!