The Statement Of The Syndicate Of Workers Of Tehran And Suburbs Bus Company On The Recent Terrorist Attack In the Iranian City of Kerman
Translated: By Zhaleh Sahand

The Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company, is expressing its deepest sorrow over the killing of more than 84 people, including children and the injury of hundreds of people in Kerman during the anniversary ceremony of the assassination of Qassem Soleimani, and offers its condolences to the bereaved families.
According to the latest news, ISIS has taken responsibility for this criminal act. As a part of the Iranian working class, we strongly condemn the terrorist operations and the killing of people by any movement or government. Killing people under any pretext is condemned and unjustified, whether it is through the terrorist operations by Daesh or any other currents, whether it is the suppression and the killing of protesting people in the country or the cruel punishment of the executions by the government.
In order to achieve freedom and social justice in our country, we need the unity of the people, especially the organizations of the workers and toilers, and the other oppressed people. Criminal operations and terrorist actions from any side make the society’s political space narrower for the people and the struggle for freedom, human rights and entitlements, and a justification for wider repression and the expansion of security atmosphere. Therefore, we must be vigilant and constantly expose the anti-human nature of any terrorist operations, retaliatory measures, and excuses for the spread of repression in the society.
In the hope of establishing justice and lasting peace in Iran and the world!
The solution of workers and toilers is unity and organizations!
The Syndicate of Workers of Tehran and Suburbs Bus Company,
December 5, 2024