Assassination of Nasrallah! SEP Statement

Assassination of Nasrallah!  SEP Statement

The Israeli state, which has been fed by wars and progressed with ruthless massacres throughout its history, has finally assassinated Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. As a national liberation leader, Nasrallah led Israel's expulsion from the occupied Southern Lebanon territory and successfully emerged from the 2006 war with Israel. Nasrallah also played a leading role in preventing Syria from falling into the hands of Salafi jihadists through the efforts of imperialist centers. Finally, the architect of the attacks on Israel to support the resistance in Gaza lost his life.

For the success of the struggle against imperialism, we have to see the limits of Nasrallah and his movement and his struggle. Hezbollah's being a religious organization with a bourgeois character and its partnership with the Iranian regime created the natural boundaries of the movement. The defeat of imperialism, collaborationist regimes, and other tyrannical dictators is only possible with a united-class revolutionary movement across the Middle East. Nasrallah has never had such a perspective. As a result, the great imperialist powers led by the US are not slow to find ways to defeat guerrilla-like forces or weak states with the means they have.

Even if Israel achieves military successes, it will not be able to eliminate the masses who want to fight against Zionism and imperialism. New combative generations will continue to emerge, and the struggle will continue. What will determine its success will be the content and leadership of the movement. The only flag of liberation for the struggling laborers and youth is the red flag of socialism based on the unity of laborers and youth. The most technological weapons the imperialists have will be useless against the workers who unite with the perspective of international socialism. We have to raise our struggle with this perspective to defeat imperialism, Zionism, and capitalist dictatorships.

Down with Imperialism and Down with Zionism!
Long live Socialist Middle East!
Permanent Revolution or Barbarism!